PTCWall is being Upgraded.

PTCWall is currently being upgraded and therefore you are seeing this page.

This upgrade includes a very significant change to our core software, server setup and the very services that we provide. We have added a new advertising service, increased security of accounts, statistical bugs have been fixed and we are able to handle more traffic. Unfortunatly there changes are significant and required some downtime to complete.

» Publishers - What To Expect:
  • Your account will be transferred. Simply request a new password and login.
  • Faster, more efficient Publisher Center, View stats over a longer time period
  • New infrastructure makes loading the wall faster
  • New ways to earn more
  • New features once our upgrade is fully complete.
» Advertisers - What To Expect
    » What To Expect:
    • Increased Proxy and Bot Protection
    • New Product To Bring Referrals, Signups and Sales
    • Any active ad on old server will be transferred
    • More Benefits for being an advertiser